- Sweden
- Helsingborg
- Engineering
- Ecolean AB
Ecolean AB - Helsingborg
Ecolean AB
1 Review
Ecolean ABKielergatan 48, 252 32042-450 45 00https://www.swedyello.com/img/site/default-business2.jpg
Company name
Ecolean AB
Kielergatan 48, 252 32, Helsingborg, Sweden
Contact number
042-26 07 45
Website address
E-mail address
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Company description
Lightweight packaging is our answer to the demands of the liquid food industry and consumers asking for modern and clever packages.
Ecolean ABKielergatan 48, 252 32042-450 45 00https://www.swedyello.com/img/site/default-business2.jpg
Good company
Young company that originated from Tetra pack but became independent later on. It has grown to the next level over the years. I like its approach towards light weight packaging that causes less waste and endorses sustainability. Company has great potential to grow.
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